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Downloading Related Suggestions

Suggestion List:

1. Options->Settings:

1.1. Additional file extension for uncompleted download: Default file extension;
1.2. Comment: Option to disable 'Comment' (which can be useless to some (most?) users;

2. View->List of downloads:

2.1. 'Original Web Address' (web address that was given to Free Download Manager to download from (for example, 'www.example.com/'));
2.2. 'Actual Web Address' (web address that is actually is/was being downloaded from (for example, 'mirror1.example.com/'));

3. Downloads->All downloads:

In addition to 'Video' and 'Other':

3.1. 'Music' to 'Audio';
3.2. 'Software' to 'Program'/'Programs';
3.3. 'Archive'/'Archives' (for archives like '.zip', '.rar', '.7z', etc;
3.4. 'Image'/'Images' (for images like '.bmp', '.gif', '.png', etc;
3.5. 'Library'/'Libraries' (for libraries like '.dll', '.lib', etc;

Off the top of head

Dan , 19.10.2013, 14:42
Idea status: under consideration


Dan, 19.10.2013, 17:15

2. View->List of downloads:

2.3. 'Size': Customization Options (show long size (in B, KB, MB, etc.) or short size (in KB, MB, GB etc.); rounding past specific fractional part; etc.);
2.4. 'Server Timestamp' (file's timestamp on the Server);
2.5. 'Client Timestamp' (downloaded file's timestamp);
2.6. 'Completed' (will complement 'Added');
Dan, 20.10.2013, 04:39

4. Downloads->Table:

4.1. Option to have checkmarks colored green, yellow, red instead of downloads (table too colorful);
Dan, 20.10.2013, 05:42

2. View->List of downloads:

2.7. 'Status' (move checkmarks to this new column to separate them from file names);
Dan, 22.10.2013, 01:42

1. Options->Settings:

1.3. File names: Option to URL Decode file names or leave them Encoded;
Dan, 25.10.2013, 00:51
Relocated 4. to 'Interface Related Suggestions'.
Dan, 26.10.2013, 16:40
Relocated 2.3. to 'Interface Related Suggestions'.
Dan, 27.10.2013, 04:23

1. Options->Settings:

1.4. Identify on server as: Keeping the User-Agents up-to-date (latest versions of browsers can be found out on Browse Happy website);

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