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Size limit on monitor of file

I originally posted this on the support section, and was directed to place here.

Not sure how many people have this exact problem, but seems like it should be fairly common, even if not reported. Might be a good feature to add later, if not available now.

I have a monthly download limit, I also have a "Free" period from 2am to 6am. What I want to do is set up a monitor so that files smaller than say 10,000 kb are automatically downloaded "now", and larger files are "held" until the free period starts. Is there any way to do this. I went to the Monitor section of the settings and set it not to monitor files smaller than 10,000kb, but that didn't help. I hope I made enough sense you can figure out what I'm trying to do.

rk4262, 26.12.2013, 13:32
Idea status: under consideration


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