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FDM 3.9.5 build 1537: "Error code: 32"

Hi there, I'm using FDM 3.9.5 build 1537 and since last update I have this error message quite often when using the BitTorrent protocol:
"Falló al acceder a los archivos del disco. Compruebe si esl disco está lleno o es de solo lectura. (error code: 32)"

WTF?! My HDD isn't either full or read only!

After that message appears, FDM stops my BitTorrent file downloading. I don't remember a FDM previous version doing this.

Very frustrating indeed. >:(

KNTRO, 06.05.2015, 09:06
Idea status: under consideration


chaz, 12.06.2016, 13:29
Same here, using FDM 3.9.7 build 1627.
ChaZ-E, 12.06.2016, 14:27
Fixed it by disabling the File Shield of my anti-virus. It's the default property of AV to lock & scan files, and thus further writes to that part of the torrent is forbidden, hence the Error 32.

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